Lipstick Under My Burkha With the advent of the term “ Feminism ”, the stakes of the women in our nation is somehow getting its due place up in the male dominated sphere. The major point in the discussion is the very longing fact that, the sexual urge and the visual pleasure is atrociously carried upon the name tag of Women as an object rather than giving them their self-credit, the space that is kept void for years under the sheet of obscenity. We are still on the same road with Bollywood trying to make a difference, the difference in bashing the voice of the so-called feminist ideologist. India is a democratic country with the freedom of speech and expression but the irony speaks itself aloud. Still we have the male gaze right above, suppressing the female flare. The country is divided harshly into the tone of disrespect, the anguish that persists till the Industry blindfolds itself towards the equality and the liberty. We are fearful or rather we are intentionally driving th...
Scene from UNCUT GEMS The moment the arc of the character comes into the stage, the momentum of the diluted world gets earthly reflected through the eyes of Howard Ratner , a charismatic Jewelry Shop Owner with the layers of gore and subtle vulnerability in its stand. The structure of the character is precisely brought to live with its revelations, actions and consequences blending together to make a flavorful platter cutting the edge through time. This 2hr 15 min, taut ride of self-realization and spine-chilling revelations are the key notes of Uncut Gems that took Safdie Brothers 10 years to give shape. They eventually wrote about 160 drafts, and 80 plus storyboard designs till embracing the final look. Josh and Benny Safdie in an interview, revealed that the casting for the Movie was the most intriguing at the same time gruesome part, where from Kobe Bryant to Kevin Garnett , measuring the scale of the character arc, they had to change the Draft before staying true to ...